Quiz Factory

Create and share as you want

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Create and share to your friends

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Fast and simple

A few clicks are enough to create your quiz: A title, a description and questions and presto it's ready to be published!

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Whether you have an iPad, iPhone, Samsung tablet or other Android device, you can create and play without limits

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Whether you want to make a quiz available for the whole world or just for your friends or students, anything is possible. You can adjust your options as you wish

Useful and practical

Whether for your evening entertainment, to animate your lessons, to conduct interviews, Quiz Factory is there to make your life easier. Thanks to your quiz creations, you can play anyone and have the results corrected immediately.


Lot of quizes in lot of domains

Our database continues to grow. You will find new quizzes regularly in many fields: General culture, Sciences, Foreign languages, Finances, Games

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